Friday, May 28, 2010

Revolving Door

Revolving Door...Boomerang Kids..never an empty nest. After 40 years of marriage who would have thought that we still have a houseful of kids?? As I count the number living under and around my roof it is a little overwhelming..even for me. Kids have fallen on hard times with economy and are moving in and out. Middle daughter, husband, and two kids have taken up residence in the apartment off of our house. Youngest son just moved back home, Middle son, his wife and baby will be moving into the travel trailer for three weeks while he recovers from knee surgery and they ready themselves to move to Washington. My oldest daughter and her family were here for about 1 year and a half and just recently moved into their new place. Revolving door...some ask how many are here..and I always answer.."Depends on the day". I'm grateful that we are able to help...but I also wonder what it would be like to have our long awaited alone time. Oh Well...keeps us young! Never a dull moment here at the compound..

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